A downloadable game for Windows

It's Elaine's first night on the job as overnight security guard on the Duchess Opal. The old cruise liner is famous for her long and historic service, and has recently undergone major renovations to bring her classic glory into the twenty-first century. Spending quiet nights exploring her elegant grandeur is a dream come true for any ship enthusiast, such as Elaine.

But Elaine can't shake what a senior guard told her in the note left for her just a few minutes before her arrival.

"Just... watch your back. The old girl's ghosts walk at night. There's a reason I don't work the night shift anymore."

She tries to shake it off, but then she goes to write down her first running report. The radio suddenly cuts off. Elaine's phone goes dead. And all the doors out of the ship close and lock. Even worse, there are now horrible things lurking in the ship's rooms, and Elaine will have to find a way out, and survive until she does.


"The Duchess Opal" is a 3-D horror survival exploration game with simple combat against monstrous enemies, and puzzle objectives to move through areas and perform various tasks.

In development by the students of Northwest Vista College in San Antonio Texas. Help us create the best game we can by play testing and giving us your valuable feedback.

Thank you so much for stopping to play our game!


Movement - W,A,S,D keys

Interact - E key

Attack - Left Mouse Click

Sprint - Hold Shift Key

Use Medkit - F Key

Battery Recharge - Q key


Please use this link to go to our feedback form and fill out the questions so you can help us make the game even better! Thanks!


StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreSurvival, Puzzle
Tags3D, Exploration, Horror, Survival Horror, Voice Acting


TheDuchessOpal_v1.01.zip 337 MB

Development log


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Nice game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I have once again made a video for this great game! Thanks for telling me about the full version devs.It looks great 


As someone with 0 PC gaming experience, I am happy that I started out with a fun puzzle game such as this one. Definitely loved the spooky elements and the cat decor lol. Wished I could have explored the ship some more tho. All in all, this was a quick and fun mini game that I'd love to come back to if anything is ever added to it. 


This game was really fun. I really enjoyed the character designs (especially the boss). The puzzles were nice and I enjoyed that you had to look for hints and you didn't have them just shoved in your face. The only thing I would say is being able to carry so many batteries and medkits and then being able to go replenish them infinitely made it so I could cheese it a little. Other than that, solid game. I give it an 8.5/10. Would definitely like to see this game go somewhere, maybe more rooms too explore and puzzles to solve. Either way, fantastic little game, absolutely loved it.


I tried the game out i like it but it wouldnt let me fix the radio

Thank you for testing it out. We are updating the game currently. The next build with all of that functionality will be posted by the end of the week.